House Basics

houses represent areas and arenas of life

While the Planets represent psychological functions (the What’s) in the chart, and the Signs represent the traits and characteristics (the How’s and Why’s), the Houses define the Where in the chart. The complete human experience is encapsulated in the twelve houses with each one defining a specific arena of life.

first house

the house of self

Associated sign: aries
associated planet: mars

The first house is known as the House of Self. This is a very important house as it defines you in the most physical sense. The sign that the cusp of this house is in determines your Rising Sign, also known as the Ascendant. The first house is about how you are in the world, the first impression people have of you, the way you come off in the most physical sense. This house defines your persona, the role you play on the stage that is the world. Planets here bring their energy right to the forefront. You can read more about the Rising Sign here.

Second house

the house of money & Possessions

associated sign: taurus
associated planet: venus

The second house is the House of Money & Possessions. It defines areas of life such as how you acquire, and use, money, what you value, material possessions, and your sense of self-esteem. The Sign and any Planets in this house bring their energy to these areas of life.

third house

the house of intellect & communication

associated sign: gemini
associated planet: mercury

The third House of Intellect & Communication covers our thinking, learning, data gathering, observation, and the expression of our intellect. Communicative activities like writing, poetry, blogging, podcasting, and journalism are also contained in this house, as well as siblings and short-distance travel (road trips and such). The Sign and any Planets in this house bring their energy to these areas.

fourth house

the house of home & family

associated sign: cancer
associated planet: the moon

In the House of Home & Family, your early foundations are in view. It defines areas of life such as early life experiences, your home life, the family dynamic, spiritual foundations, and traditions. Some also believe this house represents the latter third of your life. The Sign and any Planets in this house bring their energy to these areas.

fifth house

the house of creativity & sex

associated sign: Leo
associated planet: the sun

The fifth house is the House of Creativity & Sex. This is the domain of games, holidays, parties, entertainment, events and other experiences that revolve around having fun. Due to this focus on joy and playfulness, the fifth house is also tied to children. Creative expressions like drama and other performative outlets are within this house. This is also where the fun, light, passionate side of sex is found and sexual liaisons are also under its domain. The Sign and any Planets in this house bring their energy to these areas.

sixth house

the house of work & health

associated sign: virgo
associated planet: mercury

In the sixth House of Work & Health the daily grind is in focus. Life’s responsibilities, duties, routines and habits are here. So is service to others, health (physical and mental), healthcare, nutrition, self-improvement, small animals and pets. The Sign and any Planets in this house bring their energy to these areas.

seventh house

the house of marriage & partnership

associated sign: libra
associated planet: venus

In the House of Marriage & Partnership, the arena of relationships is involved. Here, we find marriage, long-term partnerships - both business and personal - legal affairs, contracts, agreements, and the enemies you fight out in the open (like a courtroom). The Sign and any Planets in this house bring their energy to these areas.

eighth house

the house of death & regeneration

associated sign: scorpio
associated planet: pluto - mars classically

I know this one sounds scary, but the houses comprise the entirety of the human experience, and, let’s face it, that includes death. But on your chart, the House of Death & Regeneration has more to do with endings that make way for new beginnings than it does some finality. Rising from the ashes so to speak. It covers areas like crisis, how we respond in those times, the secrets we hide, other people’s money, and darker spiritualities. The sexual act is also found here, which makes sense when you think of the symbolism death and regeneration play in more poetic descriptions of sexual climax. The Sign and any Planets in this house bring their energy to these areas.

ninth house

the house of exploration & travel

associated sign: sagittarius
associated planet: jupiter

The ninth House of Exploration & Travel is where we find experiences such as higher education, religion, philosophy, long-distance travel, and foreign lands and cultures. It is closely tied to the search for answers and an expansion of understanding. It's where we search for truth. Also found here are ethics, morality, belief systems, and faith. The Sign and any Planets in this house bring their energy to these areas.

tenth house

the house of career & public standing

associated sign: capricorn
associated planet: saturn

The tenth house is the House of Career & Public Standing. The public square is the domain of the tenth house. This isn’t about home, family, or friends. It’s the public arena. It is associated with career since that is the most public thing the majority of people do. However, along with career, the tenth house contains areas such as achievement, social standing, advancement, community roles, and public recognition. The Sign and any Planets in this house bring their energy to these areas.

eleventh house

the house of friendship

associated sign: aquarius
associated planet: uranus - saturn classically

What would life be without friends? And here in the eleventh house we find friends as well as groups. In addition, defined by this house is technology, societal progress, complex systems, human dynamics, and revolutionary activities. The Sign and any Planets in this house bring their energy to these areas.

twelfth house

the house of self-transcendence

associated sign: pisces
associated planet: neptune - jupiter classically

The twelfth house has had a complicated history. For a long time, this house was known as the garbage bin of the Zodiac. This was largely due to the societal context and expectations of the Middle Ages when a lot of these ideas solidified. This house deals with the more mystical, dreamy, fantasy-oriented areas of life. Deep spirituality, artistic creativity, compassion, solitude, meditation and chaos are its domain. It's where we have to undo ourselves lest we self-undo. It became associated with prisons, insane asylums and other types of confinement as these were places people who were considered useless to society went. In a feudal environment, there wasn’t a lot of use or appreciation for day-dreamers, strange artists, and deep souls. However, this house also defines hidden talents, hidden secrets and hidden enemies. It is known as the House of Bed Pleasures in some systems. Planets here tend to be very powerful, but are also suppressed and kept below the surface. They need more attention to bring them up from the depths. The Sign and any Planets in this house bring their energy to these areas.